

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • ROS Noetic

    • additionally required packages: ros-noetic-libfranka python3-catkin-tools libeigen3-dev

Repository Structure

Currently we provide two seperate workspaces: one for simulation-based development and one for developing applications for a real Franka Panda Emika cobot. Installing both of them is quiet similar, even if they differ in their packages. The CCF packages are then located within these workspaces, which means they do no differ in their code-base and are independent of the used workspace. Both workspaces are provided as branches withing the repository.

Step-by-Step (Simulation Workspace)

  1. Installing the simulation workspace is done by first cloning the repository based on git submodules.

  • as a guest: git clone --recurse-submodules --branch noetic/simulation ccf_sim_workspace

  • as a project member with a registered ssh key: git clone --recurse-submodules --branch noetic/simulation ccf_sim_workspace

  1. change into the workspace cd ccf_sim_workspace

  2. install nng:

  3. install ROS package dependencies rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --skip-keys="libnng" -r

  4. build the workspace catkin build

  5. source the config: depending on your shell

    • source devel/setup.bash (default)

    • source devel/

    • source devel/setup.zsh

Step-by-Step (Hardware Workspace)

  1. Installing the workspace for the real Franka Panda is done by first cloning the repository based on git submodules.

  • as a guest: git clone --recurse-submodules --branch noetic/realrobot ccf_sim_workspace

  • as a project member with a registered ssh key: git clone --recurse-submodules --branch noetic/realrobot ccf_hw_workspace

  1. change into the workspace cd ccf_hw_workspace

  2. install ROS package dependencies rosdep install -i --from-paths .

  3. build the workspace catkin build

  4. source the config: depending on your shell

    • source devel/setup.bash (default)

    • source devel/

    • source devel/setup.zsh