CeTI Cobotic Framework Documentation#


Welcome to the documentation of the CeTI Cobotic Framework (CCF), which is being developed as part of the CeTI project under the leadership of the U2 subproject.

The CCF (CeTI Cobotic Framework) provides libraries and extension points to enable the efficient creation of cobotic and robotic applications. The framework is licensed under an open source, BSD license.


Release 1.0.0 of the CeTI Cobotics Framework

September 03, 2021: The first release of the ROS-based Framework.

New planning util package.

August 28, 2021: A new package planning_util has been added.

Realtime Kernel Packages for Ubuntu

May 28, 2021: A new package Ubuntu 20.04 Realtime Kernel has been added.

New HowTos

January 25, 2021: Several new howtos are now available.

CeTI Summer School ROS Workshop

September 1, 2020: The CeTI summer school ROS tutorial is happening today. The material and presentations for the ROS workshop have been added.


If you have questions, please contact

  • sebastian.ebert (at) tu-dresden.de

  • johannes.mey (at) tu-dresden.de

Indices and tables#